...where Myers Briggs and Character Development intersect.

A Certain Type of Character  
Despite my life as a full-time author now, it would seem that turning off the quondam business-leadership part of my brain simply is not possible. Having spent countless hours in training sessions at OKA to become credentialed in corporate performance coaching assessment tools like the MBTI, EQ-i, and SDI, I couldn't help but shape the fictional personalities through those lenses.Ultimately, this turned the Intersection characters into hidden case studies for the Myers-Briggs personality types, emotional intelligence attributes, and effective communication styles.
Those familiar with the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) may appreciate that the personality types of all major characters (and many minor players) in the Intersection series were developed with intention to ensure each of the sixteen MBTI types were represented. Each character's designated Type is reinforced by their thoughts and actions and, where characters behave counter to their Type, the storyline will often reveal how or why that dichotomous skill or attribute developed.
All Types of Resources
The character ensembles on the Type charts below are book-specific. Currently, that includes Conflict of Intrigues: The Marylebone Intersection (book 1),  Desert Storm Warning: the Dubai Intersection (book 2), and Third Degree Byrne: The Black Site Intersection (book 3), but MBTI charts for the subsequent books of the Intersection Saga will be added as each is completed. 

BONUS: For Type-interested readers, an MBTI focused book-club guide with group handouts are in development. An MBTI Character Study for practitioners and students is targeted to be released after book three. To receive updates about MBTI extras, Intersection bonus materials and other fun stuff, sign up now to be an Intersection Insider.
(to read detailed descriptions, click on thumbnail image, then click to enlarge) 

For more MBTI resources, including character Type charts for the other Intersection books, Click here to learn more about becoming an Intersection Insiders or just sign up now.

" Intersection of Intrigues - "Intersection of Intrigues" - "ML Yost" - "Intersection of Intrigues" - "ML Yost" - Conflict of Intrigues - "Conflict of Intrigues" - ML Yost - "ML Yost" - M L Yost - "M L Yost" - M. L. Yost - "M. L. Yost" - Intersection of Intrigues - "Intersection of Intrigues" - epic saga of unconventional spies - "epic saga of unconventional spies" - Intersection Saga - "Intersection Saga" - gateway novel into the INTERSECTION spy saga - breakneck blur between real history and fictional mystery - sensual psychological thriller of unconventional espionage - the sharp-tongued wit and waggish dysfunction of the catalytic characters will keep readers guessing and laughing -- Quondam Publishing - "Quondam Publishing" - Author ML Yost - "Author ML Yost" --